Air Show 2007

Eton & I went to airshow on Sunday 25/4/07. It was the first time I've been to an airshow - very fascinating. However, as my tummy has grown bigger, I found it a bit tiring to walk around for too long. I am in my 23 weeks of pregnancy & my tummy has certainly grown bigger.

台北之旅 - Taipei Trip (4/11/06-6/11/06)

We went to Taipei on our way to Hong Kong to attend to Christy (Viv's twin) & Patrick's wedding. We were there for 2 days - although it was a short trip, we really enjoyed our time there. Please click here to browse our photos of this trip.

Christy & Patrick's wedding photos

My twin got married on Nov 11th last year. Please click here for more of their wedding photos.

Winny & Jonathan's Wedding

It was Winny & Jonathan's wedding on March 3rd. Eton was the groomsman.
Please click here to see more photos.

Echuca Day Trip 21/10/2006

We went to Echuca last year with Frank & Winny to visit Jonathan (Winny's fiance) when he was there working. It was a beautiful day and the dogs behaved very well during the drive and the boat cruise. Please click here for more photos.

我們的婚禮 (Our Wedding)

一轉眼, 我們結婚已一年多了. 之前我曾上載了很多相片在其他網址, 在這裡, 我不會再下太多功夫了. 只會象徵式上載幾張. 若有興趣, 請到以下網址看看吧.Wedding Album.
Time really flies, we've married for more than a year. Please click here to see some of our wedding photos.

契媽生日照片 03/02/2006

我們去年為契媽Aunty Meimi 安排了一個surprise party. 她的生日正巧是我與Eton結婚前一天, 我們為她安排蛋糕慶祝. 看她多開心. 其他相在以下網址:

Japan Trip in 2005

For Eton, it was a working trip. For me, it was purely a holiday. I went there for 2 weeks to spend sometime with him and to celebrate his birthday when he was there for work training. Wasn't I nice? keke...
our other photos are on the following site:

Photo from Oli & Henry's Wedding

This picture was taken at Oli's & Henry's wedding reception on 16/12/2006. Can you see what Eton was doing? keke....
(L): Photo with Erica (girl sitting at the same table that night.
(R): Photo with the new married couple Oli & Henry.

We've become Salvation Army Soldier!

We have joined Salvation Army Chinese Corps for more than a year and we finally decided to become the soldiers! It is the photo taken with Major Pho's after the ceremony on July 2nd, 2006.

我倆的可愛狗狗 - pippy & woody

Hello, 大家好. 我叫pippy, 個名係我媽咪改的, 至於中文名字吳批皮, 係爸爸同我改的. 我小時候真係人見人愛, 車見車載架. 唔信? 睇吓我啲bb相啦. Please click here.
我daddy同mami成日同我影相, 我變成了超級模特兒, 你們來俾俾意見吧. 請欣賞我的少男寫真! 正!
一年後, 我多了個細佬, 佢個名叫woody, 係daddy同佢改嘅. 中文叫"核突" (唔核突).... 佢回來時病得好嚴重, 又痾又嘔, 但好番之後, 卻大得好快, 半年多就已經大隻過我. 成日bully我... 好彩我在家仍然得寵, 爺爺嫲嫲仍然好錫我. 不過老wood也真的有他可愛的一面, 小時候佢真係好cutie. 來看看他的bb相吧!please click here.

第一個 blog

見過 jenny和 kaleong 的 blog 後, 也心思思想整噃個.