看著霏霏的成長, 不能不讚美造物主的偉大. BB的成長實在是一件十分奇妙的事, 從無到有, 在母親的體內, 你能想像她/他的出生會為一家人帶前所沒有的驚喜嗎? 我有時真的很想知道霏霏的小腦袋到底想著什麼, 有什麼事令她不快, 有什麼事令她大笑. 看著她千變萬化的表情, 如此可愛, 有時真不想她長大得太快, 希望她可以停留在這個可愛的階段長一點時間. 我很快便要回到工作崗位, 霏霏便要到托嬰所, 不知她會否不習慣, 但我想最不習慣的會是我這個媽咪 :)

1 comment:

Johnny Ng said...

I have the exact same feeling!! Sometimes I think if feifei would stay the same as of now, next time when I can met her again (many months later), she would exactly be the same as what she was within my memory!! In my mind, a part of me is a bit upset that she would become a big girl when I meet her again. Not saying she won't be a lovely girl, but she is simply so adorable at this stage!!! Elsie and I are still amazed at how good she is to strike a pose with BIG smile all the time... :)